Fact or fiction

I am writing this as I sit at a local romance authors’ meeting as the guest of a friend. The women here are witty and engaging. Many of them are published romance authors. They have blogs, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, etc. Impressive, really.

What I find totally hilarious is that we’re meeting at a public library and when I try to access some of my favorite bloggers’ sites, a window pops up that says, “The link you are accessing has been blocked by the Barracuda Web Filter because it contains content belonging to the category of: Pornography.” I love y’all. My blog pops up without problem. Guess I’m not naughty enough.

I feel like an interloper, however, because everything I post is an account of actual events. Nothing I write requires character or plot development, although it does require a certain amount of technical story-telling skill.

Strangely, my mother-in-law has suggested for years that I write romance novels. I’ve never exhibited an interest in or proclivity for creative writing. Maybe it’s because I was an English major. I dunno.

Perhaps my real-life experiences can provide the basis for a work or works of fiction. Once, I tried to write a fantasy piece about meeting a couple of men at a cabin and never got past a few paragraphs. Maybe I’ll revisit that document and see if I have the discipline and ability to create.

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